Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pak Lah's Sandiwara Manual

I don't know about you guys but I think all this Mat Skodeng shit is one of those sandiwara act to boost Mr. Lah's/Grandpa Seri Lah's image as a open-minded, bold, wise and THE BEST THING Malaysia is so blessed to have. Don't you think this scenario is all too familiar?

Grandpa Seri Lah's Sandiwara Operation Manual:
1. Have some idiot under you say something really stupid and idiotic in the mainstream media.

2. Make sure what the lacky said in step 1 is a must-hate statement that even by glancing the headlines will make any legally and practically sane rakyat jump of disgust.

3. After generating tons of heat and criticsm from all four corners wait a minimum of two days (so that the PM can get enough info from every single freakin' media available in Malaysia*).

4. In come PM to save the day with some comments which echoed every single feedback columnists and blogs gave.

5. Make sure what he said is published in the headlines. Make sure all editors praise PM.

6. Rinse and repeat

*Blogs are optional since they are a bunch of whiny liars and I don't lie.

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