Thursday, September 29, 2005

Zombie Detection and Countering

The previous entry I posted a link and commented on the Lies in MLM, now I post some tips on how to detect and counter a MLM distributor.

Early Detection

1. A friend that you had never contacted for a very long time or an aquaintance you hardly know at all suddenly call you out to have a drink. Most probably this person is a distributor, so try to avoid it at all costs.

2. A close friend from your hometown come to visit you with short notice and do not want to tell you the reason for the visit. Since that person is your close friend, of course you can't avoid meeting him/her.

3. A close friend of yours started asking, "Are you interested in making money?" or "Are you interested in having your own business?". That's the most obvious of them all. Just answer "NO!" period.

Ok, just in case your friend is smart and ask you out to go have a drink with them with none of the "symptoms" stated above, here's how to know he/she is trying to force persuade you to be his/her downline before he even started talking.

Late Detection

1. He/She brings an unknown friend or relative along with him/her.

2. His/Her friend started to ask you questions on what you intended to do with your future.

3. They start asking random questions but most of them revolve around your career choice and how much you earn.

4. His/her friend will start to know you more.

5. Your friend will be most of the time the supporting actor during the whole conversation.

Just in case your friend come in alone and is very straight to the point, which happen to me one time, these are what of the frequent questions they ask and how you can answer them.

Questions and Answers

Q1: I have this great business plan. Are you interested in hearing it out? It is the most simple way of making money.
A1: No, I am not interested. I am not interested in Direct Sales or any Multi-Level Marketing company.

Been train to counter such reply they will continue asking

Q2: Why are you not interested? Can you tell me a reason? Don't you like making money?
A2: As interested as I am in making money, I also want to keep my friends. Nowadays people are annoyed of MLM and those who are not, haven't heard of MLM. True there are some people who get rich by joining MLM but what is the percentage? You guys said it is easy all the time, but is it that easy? Most of you guys are actually very dishonest when presenting your business plans. Have you ever read the actual statistics of a person succeeding in MLM? No? [Continue to tell him about the statistics you had read from the site I had linked from my blog].

If he still insist on and start telling about how this poor friend of his/her started making tons of money or this durian-selling uncle from God-knows-where strike rich when he started MLM, just tell him that you are not interested no matter what he tells you. Tell him that no economy expert had ever advice anyone to join a MLM company and stop talking about money. Call him to wake up from being a money-minded zombie and start looking at things the other way.

So here's all my tips for detecting and countering those annoying MLM people. If there are more ways to detect and counter it feel free to post it in the comments section.

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