Friday, October 27, 2006

Pak Lah = Best Comedian Ever

From Pak Lah himself

"It's just that it was not revealed and the project his son got was bigger than the one Scomi got. I did not say more than that to him. Other matters about projects that Kamal got, I did not touch on much."

Am I the only one finding myself laughing non-stop since reading the newspaper today? WTF is Mr.PM trying to say? It's ok for his son to get big fat suspicious looking contracts as long as the Tun's son had a bigger contract than his son?

Another classic from the Lah himself

"The Sultan’s comment reflects the people’s opinion. Many people have said so."

Did he even ask me about my opinions? Stop using "the people's" when it doesn't even reflect all of our opinions?

"To me, I fully understand the promises in my manifesto to the people."

Wow, is it just me or I had never ever heard "asking people to shut up when things get awfully wrong" part of his manifesto during the last General Elections?

I can clearly see what Title Pak Lah will have once he retires: "Bapa Ketawa Malaysia". Who says he did not achieve anything during his days as PM?

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