Friday, June 06, 2008

Let us all ride horsies.....

With the recent 40% fuel hike maybe its time for us to go green.... for good and go buy a horse. Knowing Pak Lah he might hit us all with a 200% to 300% tax on all foreign imported horses and raise the price of green grass by 40%.

We need answers Pak Lah not empty promises....

Where are all the money you had saved in the last petrol hike? What had you done with it? All thrown into the elections machinery which you had lost badly? Thrown into those half-ass corridors that seems to be going the way of Grandpa Corridor (the MSC)?

Where had all the tax money for buying a car gone to? To all the RM10k tiang lampu which is aplenty in Johor Bahru? Or is it the RM300 tong sampahs in Melaka? Or that magical screw driver which costs hundreds of dollars EACH?

Are you still going to send another piece of space junk by the name of angkasawan to space at the expense of petrol subsidies? Where is the public transport upgrade you promised us when petrol just turned RM1.92?

Will there be tax rebates for buying a hybrid car like in Singapore? How about letting us to buy cars at market price and not the inflated price? How about a decrease in tolls price?

Here comes my last question.... What is the reason that rich IPPs can get multi-million in gas subsidies while we the lowly peasant of Bolehland are made to suffer?

It is time to stop giving us half-ass reasons and excuses and start giving us answers Pak Lah.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Pak Lah's Vision 2020

Pak Lah's 2020 vision after shoving the double whammy of price increases in our face.... turning Malaysia into an Amish Paradise....

What's an Amish you say? Let's hear it from Weird Al then....

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Oii Putra-kaya dumbfucks!!

You fucking promise us that you will be going to upgrade the public transportation 2 whole fucking years ago. You fucking promise us that you have a fucking subsidy plan. You fucking promise us that by banning foreigners from the petrol station we can keep our subsidies. Then what happen? You announce a fucking 40% increase in petrol prices.

There you are building all those fucking unnecessary multi-billion corridors and sending some gay cock sucker into space while you deprive us of our subsidies and our basic right of a DECENT public transportation system. How about that motherfucking whooping tax you charge on all vehicles? We had been paying such heavy taxes and yet we can't have our subsidies?

Keep this up and we will make bloody sure that we kick all your motherfucking asses out of your petrol money funded Putra-kaya office pretty soon!